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Wedding Guest Outfit Ideas

I'm going to let you in on a little secret, it only takes 1 expensive item to elevate your whole look!

It's undeniable that my one item here is the handbag. But without knowing the labels on anything else, the look feels sophisticated and (dare is say) "on point".

But what if I told you EVERYTHING else I'm wearing cost less than $100? Would you believe me? Well, it's true.

The dress is from amazon, the coat is from Ross (the clearance section) the shoes from Marshall's, and hat is from Gigi Pip (on sale).

I read in a style book that it's important to mix and match in style as well as in value to keep your look interesting.

I love my bag, and worked really hard to afford it, but how annoying would it be if I had flashy name brand items from head to toe? Well, that's how I would see it. Instead I try my best to save where I can, splurge once in a while and make sure I stay true to my style rather then what's trendy. That way, I can have fun when I get to dress up rather then fretting that I don't have anything to wear!

Finding a staple piece that fits so well (this dress is that item) is the key to any outfit. I find that a fun print dress, like above, works for multiple seasons as a wedding guest outfit. The only difference is the accessories. Wool coats and hats scream fall and winter, but a cute head band and straw wedge shoes could easily transform this look to summer.

So before you go out and overspend on an outfit you'll wear once, follow these rules:

1. Pick a staple item that fits you well.

2. Stock up on accessories that are cheap and fun that can change with the seasons.

3. Mix in one expensive item that you can invest in.

4. Skip the "trendy" line and create your own style.

Do these and not only will you look forward to your next wedding as a guest but you'll have "trend setter" written all over your feed!

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